Having my way with Ulysses

Gob, he’d have a soft hand under a hen.

Akasic Records Office
Foot and Mouth Disease Committee Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm
Secretary: Lord Chitragupta
Present: Mr Knowall, Black Liz, Good Uncle Leo, Hairy Iopas, Joseph Patrick Nannetti
The minutes of the previous meeting stand approved as corrected.

Joseph Patrick Nannetti moved to consider the motion that the proper remedy for Foot and Mouth disease and similar diseases infecting local cattle such as timber tongue, scab, hoose, kennel cough, condylomata acuminata, TBA, and acute neurocortical emphasitis, be immediate slaughter, though no medical evidence is forthcoming as to their pathological condition.

Good Uncle Leo moved to amend the motion to indicate that foul be included with the bovines in the disease eradication plan.

Black Liz raised a point of information:  Ga Ga Gara?!

Mr Knowall moved to amend the motion that the committee consider shipdip for the scab and hoose drench for coughing calves, a known remedy exists for timber tongue and whatever be the case the proper course of action must include the most humane methods, because the poor animals suffer.

Hairy Iopas raised a point of information, what about condylomata acuminata, TBA, and acute neruocortical emphasitis?

Joseph Patrick Nannetti moved to amend the motion that as for CA, TBA, and ANE, they are SOL.

Black Liz moved to amend the motion that Klook Klook klook.  Gara. Klook Klook Klook.  Ga ga ga ga Gara.  Klook Klook Klook.

Hairy Iopas raised a point of information: does anybody know what that damn hen is talking about?

Mr Knowall raised a point of information:  would the committee be so kind as to indulge his translation of Black Liz’s amendment concerning a letter she had scratched out of a garbage heap being a defence of fowl as follows:  Lead, kindly fowl!  They always did: ask the ages.  What bird has done yesterday man may do next year, be it fly, be it moult, be it hatch, be it agreement in the nest.  For her socioscientific sense is sound as a bell, sir, her volucrine automutativeness right on normalcy; she knows, she just feels she was kind of born to lay and love eggs (trust her to propagate the species and hoosh her fluffballs safe through din and danger!); lastly but mostly, in her genesic field it is all game and no gammon; she is ladylike in everything she does and plays the gentleman’s part every time.

Good Uncle Leo raised a point of information:  You is feeling like you was lost in the bush, boy?  You says: It is a puling sample jungle of woods.  You most shouts out:  Bethicket me for a stump of a beech if I have the poultriest notions what the farest he all means.

Joseph Patrick Nannetti moved to amend the motion: don’t hesitate to shoot.

Hairy Iopas moved to close debate and vote immediately on the pending question.  Motion carried.  Aye:  Mr. Knowall, Good Uncle Leo, Hairy Iopas, Joseph Patrick Nannetti.  Nay: Black Liz.

Unfinished Business:  A member of the committee to be selected to read the letter authored by Mr. Deasy topic: foot and mouth disease, publication pending.

I knows

Hey Virgin Mary, lover of lovers / Hey Virgin Mary, how many others / Hey Virgin Mary, your bed is never empty / Hey Virgin Mary, it must bring you plenty.

3:52 pm


Come to me.  Come on now, let me get that speck out of your eye.  Let mama take care of you.  Over here my baby.  What’s that you gathering, figs?  From thorns?  Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to do that?  Don’t worry, pobre, let mama have you now.  I’ve had my eye on you baby.  On your other eye.  I saw you poking your nose up under those statues.  Trying to get in there with your goggle eye.  Your eye, your nose.  But you got caught by that young little punk ass motherfucker.  Oh did I shock you?  It’s the company I keep.  O the saints above me!  And the ones behind me too.  I feel all wet just watching your reaction.  You remind me of Nannetti’s father, turning me upside down to have a look under my blue robe.  He made money selling my body: religion pays.  Oh you look delicious.  You want mama to shock you a little more?  Not yet.  Eat first.  Have some sweets of sin for mama (for Raoul) then you can stick your nose up my blue robe, white under, purple silk petticoats under that.  Listen.  4:00 is coming, baby, you know what that means.  Clockhands are turning.  Time ever passing.

I don’t think you knew him or perhaps you did, though.

And toward a stairway, he and I, together, turned; and just as soon as I was at the first step, I sensed something much like the motion of a wing, and wind that beat against my face, and words: "Beati pacifici, those free of evil anger!"

I’ve tried so many people I can’t tell if I’m coming or going.  School for the children, money, insurance question.  Insurance later with Bloom, much kindness in him.  Poor Dignam, decent little soul, a bit low sized.  We’ll help his children up, and his widow, give them peace.  Down to me to arrange it.  Burned by gold heads appear above the crossblind of their usual window.  She won’t have to ascend and descend other’s staircases.  Descending the staircase, Nannetti, hailed his fellow council members ascending the staircase.  Dual mirrors in a shop window supervise Blazes Boylan, virile, energies rising, intercepting Bob Doran, emasculated, on the downward arc of his annual bender.  Jimmy Henry and Long John Fanning: they’ll give on the spot, no hesitation, no questions.  They’ll do it purely for goodness’ sake.

Just to see

And so too may you, like the very wind of destruction, rid by fire all the wickedness from the land.12:06 am

The silly Penis.  Once I heard sweet old Monks said this to himself after Nannetti shouted for where’s what’s his name Monks.  And he sees Monks every day.  Nice old man.  Must have seen it all.  Obituary notices and found drowned and scandals and schism and all the rest.  Started out as a linotype operator back in the day.  Could type blind, see with his fingers.  Still in the shop but now it’s a MAN Roland.  I wonder if Monks had to type backwards into his linotype.  .epytonil sih otni sdrawkcab epyt ot dah sknoM fi rednow I   Skilled.  Art to it.  Papa could read backwards.  Read his Haggadahbook that way, pointing his finger to me.  Why should this night be so special?  L’shanah haba’a bi Yerushalayim.  It’s a long time to wait for a hungry kid.  Long business about that brought us out of the land of Egypt and into the house of bondage.  Then the twelve brothers, Jacobs son’s.  Some of them were citron farmers.  Pocket smells of Citronlemon.  What kind of perfume does your wife?  Keep losing that soap in pockets.  And the part about the one little goat the one little goat, that slit the throat, the Holy One, blessed is he, who butchered the butcher, who slaughtered the ox that ate the staff, that beat up the cat, that scratched the dog, that drank up the water, that put out the fire, that burned up the Angel of Death.  Silly sounding but it all means justice when you look into it well.  That and it’s everybody eating everybody else.  That’s what life is after all.  I’m hungry what time is it?  I could bus home still.  Forgot something maybe.   Molly dressing, get there before.  No.

Almost Human

And I have never seen a stableboy whose master waits for him, or one who stays awake reluctantly, so ply a horse with currycomb, as they assailed themselves with clawing nails -- their itching had such force and fury, and there was no other help. And so their nails kept scraping off the scabs, just as a knife scrapes off the scales of carp or of another fish with scales more large. 12:03 pm

It’s the ads and side features that sell a newspaper, not the stale news people have already read online.  Syndicated stuff, classifieds, opinions in my opinion.  Pressure builds for civilian drone flights at home.  Rising gas prices just another chance to milk the masses.  Respiratory Care Practitioner Pulmonary Function Technologist – Per Diem – Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.  Vacant Land 25 Dexter Ave N Seattle, WA 98109  East side of Queen Anne, breathtaking views of Lake Union.  Pop music/Nightlife: Seattle Wind Symphony Concert.  Picture: World’s Biggest Balloon.  Dear Mr. Editor, what is a good cure for flatulence?  Spoke to Nannetti today, Hynes got there first with his unfeigned regret we announce the dissolution of a most respected throwaway nobody will miss.  Except once they are done the rats working away, tearing away, gnawing away, munching away.  Yum.  Thank you.  I should have said something about old hats, or that it looks good as new now.  No.  I reminded Hynes it is payday.  Payroll about to go to lunch.  Didn’t take the third hint.  Lent him $14 three weeks ago, three times what he needed at the time.  Maybe he understood what I.  The Keyes ad I showed Nannan.  And silence, scratching armpit.  Ribs.  Two crossed keys in a circle and asked for a paragraph calling attention and yes he said yes but with three months renewal.  Will ask Keyes.  Door creaking.  Cree, calling, crying, craving attention.  Doing its level best to breathe out words.  Everything speaks in its own way.