Scene: [On a bed of something as soft as what do you call it gossamer, wait, what is that, snakes? That’s a bed of snakes now? How the hell are we paying for this? Did we have to hire snake wranglers too? Jesus Christ!]
Jesus: [On the god mic] Yes we have wranglers, but just for one infinite snake. God says don’t worry about the budget he thinks he has a donor. Ok head in the game people. Places please Cassandra, Lakshmi, Vishnu keep Rip Van Winkling it right there where you are. He’s sleeping hard. Let me know when we have places. From the top of the show, standby on lights 1 through 5, and snake wranglers: go.]
Scene: [On a bed of snake soft as what do you call it gossamer, Vishnu is sleeping while Lakshmi massages his feet and gossips with Cassandra.]
Lakshmi: So how is God’s play going to go, it must be opening soon, no?
Cassandra: Wait, am I sitting on a snake? I better not make an alnight sitting on this affair. I mean. Sorry. What? His one man show? Oh honey you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Lakshmi: That bad?
Cassandra: I did the cards, and first off I get reversed four of pentacles crossed by the happy squirrel.
Lakshmi: Oh that’s cute. Isn’t that good?
Cassandra: It’s bad. I mean, corners are being cut all over the place and it’s like he’s obsessed with promotion. He says that he has money of course so we’ll be all right, but you know the membership numbers have not been good lately. Christmas drove in a few advanced ticket sales, but we won’t see any of those people again until Easter. And then you cross all that with a happy squirrel: this show will stink like road kill.
Lakshmi: But it will have a long run?
Cassandra: No. And it’s his own fault. He got reversed 5 of swords at the top, I mean, come on. He brought it on his own damn self and then hooking up with his with his ex wife all the time squandering money and getting drunker and drunker. The rest of the time he’s been just plain intoxicated on himself. He has wardrobe making skinny jeans! You should see him all squeezed and squashed into them!
Lakshmi: No!
Cassandra: Sure enough. It will be a spectacle on the stage, imagine paying $450 in the preserved seats for that to see! It was all right there in the reversed three of cups. Yeah it’s all great fun, and won’t it be the biggest hit show of all time, so hey! Lets celebrate now!
Lakshmi: Was that his attitude?
Cassandra: Acting upon him. His attitude was the reversed ace of wands. So.
Lakshmi: Blocked.
Cassandra: Yup. He did have Judgement straight up; that was interesting. He’s going to have to make a change. It’s time to look everything over and weigh it all out. The show can’t sustain itself as a one man thing. It just doesn’t work in this day and age, with audiences like these.
Lakshmi: I know it. Fickle. He should have stuck with the triple act. So much less pressure when you’re in an ensemble.
Cassandra: Don’t I know it and I told him too, but does he listen to me? No. Does anybody listen to me? No.
Lakshmi: They don’t.
Cassandra: No they don’t.
Lakshmi: God’s tongue is too flat.
Cassandra: Really? Ew. I wouldn’t let him lick me.
Lakshmi: He does it all wrong too.
Cassandra: Pigs of men. And what about that one? Don’t you get sick of Vishnu’s big square feet up in your mouth like that?
Lakshmi: The first night ever we met, I had just floated up out of the ocean and we stood staring at one another for about 10 minutes as if we met somewhere. It was a recognition, you know? I saw him and I knew I’d be rubbing this man’s cold feet for all eternity. So tell me more. What’s the future, what’s the final outcome for God: The One Man Show!
Cassandra: I drew the king of swords for the future, so he’ll find a different layer of consciousness to work in. He’ll have to. He’ll figure it out, he just has to be rational about it. And the play? I don’t even know how to tell him. What am I going to tell him? It was the five of pentacles reversed: he’ll lose money on this thing. Really, he ought to lose money itself from the whole enterprise: money has nothing to do with being god. I tried to tell him. I talked and talked until you couldn’t even see me anymore, I was just this angry woman’s mouth telling him come on man, believe me! This is how it’s going to be damn it, listen! I’m telling you!
[Cassandra is interrupted by somebody on the god mic. Who the hell is that?]
no thats no thats no way no stop just stop shut up cassandra shut up people dont believe you because some man told them not to believe you here i am apollo telling the story first so dont believe cassandra when she talks the one who tells the story first wins my ass ok my motherfucking ass is that what you think chica no just speak girl and let them all believe what they will and you know what congratulations everybody wins so lose it just let it go baby love its no loss what are you losing whats lost its a gain you want to spend all time trying to make people know the future you want them to see dont you see it too the truth its true its true thats you all the time with believe me believe me and they dont believe you and poor me im such a victim is that what you tell yourself and why because ajax raped you and whats her face athena just stood there and watched is that going to be the why for everything you going to let that be your loss forever get over it its done let it go no loss ok its a gain to be done with that lot and let apollo say whatever he likes to any born fool wholl believe all his blather because hes god hes god so what you be god too ok youre god too you are god done moving on now go
‘…it so much easier when you’re in an ensemble.” I like that for some reason. Hope your holiday was good. You don’t have tro answer this, but have you ever cheecked out any of my pieces-poems, not the commentaries? I was wondering. Best. >KB
thank you. answer: no I have never been to your website. I have absolutely zero leisure time.
I would like to ask a small favor of you. Because I simply don’t want to be someone who only enjoys your sarcasm, because most of what you write is over my head because of your background, I would really like you to get five minutes and go to my blog and read the last two poems I’ve posted. They are not long, they are accessible and they are not at the level that most of the poetry on here is at. It is beyond it. I am a poet, and a good one. I take what I do seriously. I get up at for, am writing by 5 and sometimes continue into the night. I don’t even need to know what you think of them, only to know what I do and that they exist. I’m going to play the “L” card on this one, loalty. Yes I am a loyal fan. If you don’t do it I won’t know but it bugged me enough that I had to at least ask., Thank, best>KB
Was curious. Will still be here. Thanks for being honest.>KB