8:55 pm
Getting dark now. From within: windows turning into mirrors; from without: mirrors turning into windows. Can be shocking to be within and turn the light on, suddenly see yourself as others see you. From without, we get the gradual, surroundings disappearing, and what you’re doing in there, well, darling little wretch, I see your I see all. Baby your longest way round is the shortest way home. Think you’re escaping? You’ve run into yourself. Naughty darling. Now let’s lie on our back and watch until three stars apparate, maybe we’ll see something new. It’s the new I want. Nothing’s new under the sun; let’s see what charades the moon will play. Or a comet, Rip Van-Winkling toward us: coming back after twenty years asleep. We’ll kiss our shoulder and take a return voyage around our own little world.