6:07 pm
[Scene: The lights in the house are down except for one single lit candle sitting comfortably on a stool in the center of the stage. The candle gives off a darkness shining in brightness which brightness cannot comprehend.]
God [on the god mic]: Let me ask you this: is there a difference between the world as known by ordinary mortals and what they think might be my world? Well I’ll tell you, all the world’s a stage. What’s different from here to then? It depends on if you think mortality is about duration. Linear duration. And if you thus imagine my theatres exist in another kind of time entirely. Do you think that? Many have done before you. Well who am I to say when’s when. What’s the opposite of a line? I don’t know. I guess an all at once condition. Plenitude of being. That sort of thing.
Here, I’ll give you a piece of my mind. Wait. What? Aw, Jesus Christ! What did I say about headset chatter? Come on. What did you say?
Jesus [Appears on stage is if from nowhere and talks to the booth]: I said, maybe here is where we should put in that bit about number. You know, the insertion between acts 1 and 2.
God [on the god mic]: That? Come on. Even the director thinks it’s crap.
[Bird excrement falls from the grid, lands on the candle and puts it out. A faint but increasing luminosity of ruby light becomes gradually visible].
Jesus: I get it. Can we at least try it? For Bloom’s sake?
God [on the god mic]: Bloowho? Oh him! Yes. Yeah. He’s in a bit of a black hole right now. A dark period of time. In his world it is between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. He started the day at 8:00 am and went dark at 6:00 pm.
Jesus: Six to eight. Eight to six. 6 is the number of creation, 8 the number of death. Symmetry under a cemetery wall.
God [on the god mic]: Yes. So it was 10 hours from starting bang to dark period.
Jesus: The number of unity and perfection.
God: [on the god mic]: This is a one man show, kid. Yes, unity, perfection. There’s the 1, the source number which adds to itself and makes all the other numbers, and Queen Zero, the female number, and if I may speak phallically and yonically, just look at them together: 10. One goes through all the other numbers to join with 0 and she gives birth to the next set of ten.
Jesus: Ten hours of wandering to get to 6:00, and then two hours go by: the blank period of time. And then? And then?
God: [on the god mic] Don’t interrupt, we’re going here. Line?
Jesus: Onan.
God [on the god mic]: And then he pulls out. Like Onan. And is stranded for a time. For a time. Line?
Jesus: For a time starting at 8:00 pm.
God [on the god mic]: For a time starting at 8:00 and following a moving now through linear duration to an end point at line?
Jesus: 2:00 am
God [on the god mic]: 2:00 am. 6 hours. 6 is a revolving sphere so he goes from linearity to oblivion (wilderness) to circularity and then ends up in bed with eternity. Do people still care about circular numbers?
Jesus: Hell if I know.
God [on the god mic]: 6 squared is 36, 6 to the third power is 216, 6 to the 4th power is 1296, to the 5th power is 7776, to the 6th power is 46656 and so each and so on to no last term. The last digit of every one of them is 6.
Jesus: It circles back to itself.
God [on the god mic]: It circles back to itself. Mortals get that, right? This thing is getting too long.
Jesus: Yeah, we can leave that out. The six circles fit around one thing too. Anybody with seven maneuverable circles knows that one. Goes back to six is the number of creation too. That whole 6 days thing and on the seventh you rested.
God [on the god mic]: Yeah right. I wish I had that much time off! But there’s no rest for the wicked, eh boy.
Jesus: You said it. Should we take it from the top?