2:09 am
Anagrams of names: Uslessly wishy-washy, smug vanity. Try this one on, as kinetic poetry it will invoke either desire or loathing:
Nova coin tinker,
(Akin to conniver!)
Can’t invoke iron?
Crave ion, not ink:
A rock invention.
See? Feel it? That ain’t desire. Shall we try for something more esthetic? Something static, that we might arrest our minds (put a pin in that!) just enough to feel ourselves freely rising above desire and loathing without fear of floating away. Words that say you are mine, the world is mine.
You are mine. The world is mine.
The world is mined. You are mined.
You are mind. The world is mind.
Too Stanislaw Lem? Perhaps we should stick to mental poetry, otherwise we are not gods but tinkers.