12:50 am
Follow me. Come on, follow. Follow follow follow. You know me, yes? Remember? Almost it. There you go, you saw me in your dream. I held up a watermelon for you to smell. Now follow, come away from that badger hole, nothing buried dead buried in there. Now. Is it guilt or shame today? What do you regret, action or inaction? I know that answer. They both have a face and you will see who. Look. I say, look. Lapwing you are. As am I. So a lapwing be. Let us bury your agenbite of inwit in a nice deep grave and lead each other away. I’ll teach you. I’ll show you how my sweet buzzard scavenger darling, you’ll fly and your foes will be beneath you as they every shall be. Word without end. Listen now. Don’t be Polonius standing behind a curtain, everybody can see your feet sticking out the bottom. You do remember what happened to him, don’t you? You think that bit of rag hanging over your conscience will protect you? Don’t you know anything about hiding? Listen. You’ve done things. We all know it. We see your clay feet. Your actions we all witnessed birthed reactions and those reactions reproduced. You bury the grandmother deeds all you like, and lead us all away. Hop hop away, little bird, follow me this way. Pay no attention to that world behind the curtain. But the things you didn’t do. Came to a whole lot of nothing, no? Well mark my words babylove, that nothing will be the something that buries you.
I love the last line. Well Jamie is on his way. I’ve supplemented it with two books of notes and commentary because all I could find by wway of annotated versions was a book of just annotations which was a lot of money. Also, I am going to make a pirated copy of the library’s disk recording-unabridged because some people like to watch-I do also-but some like to listen. So that’s my update. Thank for your offer of help when called upon I hope I won’t have to abuse you. Best KB