8:40 pm
I must be getting my cycle again. I’m all bloated and I can feel everything tight on me, and I was just skinny. Must be time again because I got it the last time I cut my hair and it was a full moon then too. Thirteen a year, I wonder what we’d call month 13 and where we put it. Somebody will come along and name the new month after themselves I’m sure, like the romans did all the time. June, July, Coca-Cola, August. It’s coming. So. Look at him over there. He’s watching, starting his watch again. I’ll just swing my leg a little in and out. Give him something to see. See if he can keep time to me. Wish Edy would disappear. She’s always there like clockwork to notice everything and point it out too just to try to embarrass me. Thanks for always pointing out the subtle over and again so it can be nice and obvious you bitch. Reggy didn’t dump me, we weren’t together this time and what’s it to her anyway. I can have anybody I want, obviously, I mean look at that guy. He’s literally worshipping at my shrine! His look is for me and just for me, and she knows it. Scrawny ugly jealous bitch. And Cissy too, fixing the twins’ hair so she can look good. None of her business what happened between Reggy and me. I could get him back any time I want to and I don’t want to. His loss. He’ll come back around and I’ll be long gone! Ha! I’m so much better than all of them and there’s the proof sitting right over there staring right up my skirt. I hope I’m not starting my cycle.