1:10 pm
Saw a good idea today, a rowboat with a sandwich board ad on it, anchored in the ship canal. Kino’s selling pants for $49.99. Not bad. Can spend that much just getting a pair altered. A good idea is a good idea. Better than hiring human directionals to carry the signs around like Hely pays for. Pays Boylan? Must be McGlade’s work. Those bring in nothing. Still, people will look at anything, even nothing. Stand and stare; other people will too. Or be like Maginni dancing around. He is his own ad. Can put ads for std doctors in urinals. Feel the burn? Somebody standing there can relate and oh Christ. What if he? Oh God no. No. He wouldn’t, would he? I don’t believe it. No. I can’t. I can’t think about that. What’s the time? The diameter of the sun as seen from. Oh God. Focus. As seen from earth is one half of a degree. 24 hours in the day divided by 360 degrees times 60 minutes to one hour times the radius of the sun or 1/4 of a degree. It moves by its own radius every minute. That’s the time. As seen from wherever on earth. No? What about parallax views? Never quite got parallax. Greek word. Should look it up. Parallel parallax. I feel like Molly with her met him pike hoses until I explained about the transmigration of souls and the stream of life. Life is a stream. Flowing and flowing. Not like time. Time doesn’t flow. What is it flowing through if it is flowing? Not flowing. Fluxing. Time a phenomenal flux. Fluxing along in the flux of life. Changes and changes. Like water. Who was it said that? We can’t walk into the same ocean twice. The ocean is different every time and we are different every time. Yet we stay the same. Stay the same by changing, dissipative structures. Like the Argo, not a toothpick on that ship the same as when it began, yet always the Argo. Look in the mirror, not the same hair, not the same skin, not the same cells as when we were born. We flux like the Ocean. Walk in to our death and come out of other waters in a new body. Not resurrected. Transmigrated. Only the soul is the same. Somebody asked Plato if the soul gets tired. Does it wear out like old pants? Can get new ones for $49.99. See? A good idea is a good idea.