11:56 am
Look, it is clouding over. Black clouds? Are there behind? Thunderstorm. Come, I thirst. Now already. Huh. I’m still here. Check teeth. That one. Going. That one. This. My teeth are very bad. Nearly noon, silent ship. Yes, evening will find itself in me, without me. I’ll be the Nacheinander walking through very short spaces of time through very short times of space. Very short. Not long enough to read any signatures. Evening will find itself. Can’t find anything to put this snot into. Here. Leave it here. Snotgreen. Alll of a substance. Let look who will. Anybody behind me? Just me, rere regardant. Toothless Kinch, superman, shell, with three masters. Not in the best shape at present. A shell of myself left behind by myself. Look there I go (not yet, come on, now already) marching over shells into the next world, which now that I’ve said it is already gone. No wonder I thirst.