12:17 am
Scene: [An owl and a heavily made up goat argue while tending an enormous fire. Over the flames hangs a stork vessel containing a phoenix. They have begun their reversal of the great work.]
Azazel: [Circling the fire] I have sinned.
Lilith: [Circling the fire the opposite direction] I have suffered.
Together: Putrefaction, pray for us. Dissolution, pray for us. Coagulation, pray for us. Mortifacation, pray for us. Stench of graves, pray for us. Black of the blackest black, pray for us.
Azazel: See that?
Lilith: You scorched your eyelashes.
Azazel: Not that, that!
Lilith: White feathers! Not much of a swan. Just once I’d like to get to peacock.
Azazel: Focus, Lilith, just concentrate on returning it to crow. Carbonation, pray for us. Calcification, pray for us.
Lilith: Nothing. It is always much easier to illumination than to obscure. Why is that? Is nothing so difficult?
Azazel: [Pawing the ground] Nothing is not nothing, Lilith, focus. There can be no corruption without regeneration, ok, so can we concentrate please? If you see Kay, pray for us. See you in tea, pray for us.
Lilith: What did you say?
Azazel: See you in tea pray for us?
Lilith: No. The other thing you said. You can’t have corruption without regeneration. Do you realize what you were saying?
Azazel: What was I saying? I don’t know. I was just saying stuff to get your head back in it. I meant nothing. Come on.
Lilith: Nothing. Exactly. I think we’re missing something.
Azazel: We’re missing something? I’m missing something.
Lilith: We’re missing nothing. We need nothing. We need something better than a phoenix if we want to achieve purity of absence. We keep getting the invisible trace of something not there but we want what do you call it void. D’ye see? We don’t want just ordinary death. We want the quintessence of death.
Azazel: Oh Christ Lilith, the problem’s not in our materials, it is in us. The phoenix is fine. You know how hard it is to source a phoenix? We need to focus. You need to focus. We already got to swan and.
Lilith: Looks more like a tailor’s goose.
Azazel: It’s a swan and look, it’s turning a bit blue around the edges already. We’ll get to crow if we concentrate.
Lilith: I say we get a reincarnated human.
Azazel: Jesus Christ.
Llith: AE
Azazel: A what?
Lilith: [Reversing her direction around the fire] AE. We’ll use him. Trust me, this is the direction we should go. Can I use your mirror?
Azazel: Lilith wants me to trust her. Fine, use it. There’s no talking you out of this. Weep for me O daughters of Erin.
Lilith: [Breathing on the mirror] We call them to life across the waters of Lethe.