Recording No. 1132. The memoirs of Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of God, Star of the Sea, Pillar of Ivory, Mystical Rose, Beloved among Joseph are you recording all that shit? Holy Je, uh. Shit! Can’t say the bloody kid’s name or he shows up every damn time. Chrackers! It’s just not the same. Get on with it for the love of before I forget what I want to say and CEO Holy Mother Public Relations. Memoir notes.
Mary: Can you hear me? Start? Right. The rite of Onella, the torch-light. So he’s ready but you’re not. And then he thinks, better wait and now you’re in bed with a man holding back for all he’s worth. Just what we’re looking for from a man, eh chicas? There he is teetering and then 32 feet per second per second takes over and now he’s falling. Or he’s in that kairotic sweet spot between potential and kinetic and hey look at me, I’m extending the moment. Nooooooooooow. But just for you buddy. Give me rising, not falling. So I push and out with him. Girls, size them up before you let them in your bed, you listening? Talk to each other, tell your sisters what he does and won’t do. Life is too short to let any cholo climb in your windows just because he looks good and has flowers. Telling you about the motion of the ocean. It’s the size of the wave, girls, and unless you talk to each other, you don’t know what you’re getting.
Joseph: Mary? Mary, can you hold off? For just a minute? Having some technical difficulties with the equipment.
Mary: He think’s a minute is enough.