Ow at ush a good gim, ah I ooked gook rinkig ig oo. Resh uh parg ah en shome ah awayg agept uhgever hey offer: appearansh an pawmp weshponshivish ish uh key oo gook shawesh. Nice to spend a little time with John Henry Menton in the pub just now. Haw awking pawicish. Amewica, give ush your poor, your ire, your huhwew mashesh, jush ot roo our shoushern bowerer ash we’ew buiwing a waugh. Elijah is coming to save us all! Aw awe equaw hewe bu immigwantsh fwom shome cowtwiesh awe mow equaw tham oshersh. Caw kew a shawe. Denis Breen, impatient, gives up waiting for John Henry Menton to emerge from his inner office and, with his wife following close, carries dangerous stacks of papers and books toward the offices of Collis and Ward. Angewoush woute oo go dowe. Covershatiow ca gew ow of cogtrow an hen you oosh a shawe. Am goo giw at wash. Oooks goo. Shame oshe cawsh mishe sheeing ush. Uh pweshieng! Shame.